“The closer you look, the more magical and magnificent and mysterious something is…it is our problem that we don’t look close enough”.
Bill Mitchell in the film “Numen, The Healing Power of Plants“.
The film Numen is astonishing and I recommend you at least watch the trailer. I found Bill particularly inspirational because he spoke from the heart about his experiences as a natural healer, and how grateful he was that nature had provided us with a medicine chest that is perhaps not as much considered as it should be in the world of science today.
As scientists we look closely at things. In medical science, often we get caught up in the fun of experiments, the precision and the detail, rather than taking a step back and thinking about the whole. In this blog I hope to explore both as they are equally important and we have much to learn from different perspectives on how the human body works, and how it evolved in close connection with the natural world.